Four Signs You Need To Get Your Brakes Looked At


Few things are as dangerous when driving a car, as having your brakes fail. Even if your brakes are just a little on the "too cushy" side, this could lead to an accident if it keeps you from stopping in time when the car in front of you slows down. To prevent such accidents, it's important to have your brakes checked over regularly. Here are four signs you need to schedule a free brake inspection right now.

30 November 2017

Temporary Auto Glass Repair Solutions


When your car window or windshield is damaged, you need to have it repaired as soon as possible. Your car windows are extremely important so you cannot postpone it. However, you can do temporary auto glass repair before you can get permanent repairs done. You can easily repair your car windows with a car glass repair kit that you can get from any auto repair shop. The Pros of Temporary Glass Repairs

29 October 2017